Athletic Information
Middle school students are experiencing a time in their lives of tremendous growth and immense change. As they deal with this they are often overly excited, confused, argumentative, curious, erratic, sensitive, moody, and self-conscious. They are searching for identity and acceptance from their peers. Through middle school sports, students learn fair play and sportsmanship. They are to participate, be given chances, and be allowed to make mistakes. They must learn to appreciate teamwork, understand that hard work and perseverance lead to success, and learn how to deal with coaches, referees, opponents, peers, and themselves.
- Compete, because we want them to compete for the best jobs someday.* Lead, because our country is relying on them to be the next generation of leaders.* Advocate for themselves, because someday they are going to have to stand up for themselves and do what they know is right.
- Fail, because someday they will be forced to face and overcome adversity.
- Create a great team culture, because we want them to build strong family cultures.
- Demonstrate integrity, because others are watching and learning from them right now.
- Commit and sacrifice, because we need them to become great parents.
- Be accountable, disciplined, selfless, and mentally tough athletes so that as parents they will know how to raise young people who are the same way.
Prior to the first practice:
- Current Sports Physical on file at school.
- Signed School Athletic Handbook
- Consent to Treat form completed.
Prior to the first competition:
- $55 activity fee paid
Grade Level Eligibility
For each sport, there are specific grade levels that are eligible to participate:
Football - 7th and 8th
Volleyball - 7th and 8th
Cross County - 6th, 7th and 8th
Boys/Girls Basketball - 7th and 8th
Wrestling - 6th,7th and 8th
Track - 7th and 8th
Eligibility requirements met:
- (grades, attendance, behavior)
Traveling to Away Contests:
- Student-athletes must travel to the contest with the team on a school bus. (Unless approved by the Athletic Director)
Returning from Away Contests:
- Parents must sign out their child from all away events. Student-athletes are only allowed to ride home with their own parent(s) unless prior approval has been given by the Athletic Director. Please do not ask a coach for an exception to this rule.
Grievance Procedure:
- Student-athlete meets with the coach.
- Student-athlete and parents meet with the coach.
- Student-athlete, parent, and coach meet with the Athletic Director
- Student-athlete, parent, coach, and Athletic Director meet with the Principal.
**All meetings must be prearranged. Please do not try to meet with the coach before or after a competition.**
Please remember our job as parents, fans, and spectators is to demonstrate good sportsmanship towards opponents, officials, and other parents. Don't forget you are representing yourself, your child, Delta Middle School, and the community of Delta. Impressionable young people are watching how you handle and carry yourself.
Parent Pick-up:
Please be on time to pick up your child from all games and practices. Being late multiple times could result in a meeting with the Athletic Director.
Regular Season: Adults: $4 Children & Seniors: $2
Tournaments: Adults: $8 Children & Seniors: $4
The money that we charge spectators goes towards purchasing new equipment and uniforms and improving our facilities to enhance the experience of our student-athletes and spectators. It is also used to pay officials and game workers who play a significant role in our game day experience.
Beginning of year Information
Required for students to participate in first game:
$55 activity fee paid.
Current Sports Physical on file at school.
Signed School Athletic Handbook
Consent to Treat form completed.
Participate in five practices.